For my first blog I will start with the basics of bodybuilding.
What is bodybuilding? When some people think of bodybuilding they instantly think of oversized oiled up men posing on stage, that's not all it is although it is some of it. Its an art, a sport that takes place all over the world.
Wikipedia defines it as "The use of progressive resistance exercise to control and develop one's musculature. An individual who engages in this activity is referred to as a bodybuilder." In my own words I think it is someone who exercises regularly and eats well to achieve the perfect body in their own eyes. Lifting weights can be tracked all the way back to the Egyptians where they used to perform feats of strength by lifting heavy rocks and sacks from the ground over their head for a short period of time, which is an exercise now known as the clean and jerk. And the earliest records of weight lifting came from the 10th century B.C. China where military recruits had to pass weightlifting tests before they accepted.